Friday, December 17, 2010

I wonder why ???

In all serials there is a protagonist and an antagonist, however, whenever the lead protagonist is a woman, she is constantly oppressed or suppressed by either circumstances or men.

Like in case of other serials, the woman is constantly having economical problems coupled with family and health. 

Or it is the men who are bad 

When I say this what I mean to say is that all the men in the protagonists life either -
1. Oppress /suppress the woman
2. Do not care for the feelings at all
3. Are having affairs outside / or there is a second woman definitely involved
4. And above all the men are completely negative
Like in case of Maryada, the women are pretty decently placed economically except I guess Uttara but in her case it's shown because he is good for nothing. 

Hence, to portray the trials and tribulations of a woman the men in that woman life or connected are negative. 

E.g. SSP - womaniser, rapist, bad cop (not sure of that completely as at least the character portray he is a nice cop as of now. But don't know the truth)

Uttara's husband - Good for nothing, ready to make his wife sleep with someone else for money, etc.

As of now they have shown Gaurav decent but is having an affair.

Aditya is the hero so is all nice having background score of Ishq hai Ishq hai

I wonder why to bring out the woman's strength of character, persona, existence they have to show men negative and not with just grey shades. 

Just a thought ................ would like to know everyone's views on this

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